1 |
123Send |
123send |
123x |
123x |
1Pay |
1pay |
2 |
2000Charge.com |
2000charge |
2C2P |
2c2p |
2Checkout |
2checkoutcom |
3 |
3G Direct Pay |
3gdirectpay |
4 |
4bill |
4bill |
4Cash |
4cash |
9 |
99bill.com |
99bill |
A |
abilipay |
abilipay |
Acapture |
acapture |
Accentpay |
accentpay |
Acceptance |
acceptance |
ADgroup |
adgroup |
Admeris Payment Systems |
admerispaymentsystems |
Aduno |
aduno |
AdvCash |
advcash |
Adyen |
adyen |
African Payment Solutions |
africanpaymentsolutions |
AIB Merchant Services |
aibmerchantservices |
Alfa-Bank |
alfabank |
algocharge |
AllCharge.com |
allchargecom |
Allied Wallet |
alliedwallet2 |
allpago - accept payments in Latin America |
allpago |
Alpha Payments Cloud |
alphapaymentscloud |
AltaPay |
altapay |
Alternative Payments |
alternativepayments |
Alto Global Processing |
altoglobalprocessing |
GlobiPay |
americanvolume |
AnyCash |
anycash |
Any.Money |
anymoney |
apco |
Aramor Payments |
aramorpayments |
Areto Systems |
aretosystems |
arvato Finance Services Ltd. |
arvatofinance |
AsiaPay |
asiapay |
assist |
AstroPay |
astropay |
Worldline |
atosworldline |
AustralPay |
australpay |
Authorize.Net |
authorizenet |
Avangate Inc. |
avangate |
CCAvenue |
avenuesindiaprivatelimited |
AWEpay |
awepay |
Axcess Merchant Services |
axcessmerchantservices |
Axiar Payments |
axiarpaymentsolutionslimited |
B |
Baian Ltd. |
baianltd |
BalticPay Corporation |
balticpay |
Bambora |
bambora |
Bango |
bango |
Bank Frick |
bankfrick |
Banwire.com |
banwire |
Barclaycard |
barclaycard |
Barion Payments |
barion |
Be2bill |
be2bill |
Beanstream |
beanstream |
BillingPartner |
billingpartner |
BillingTree |
billingtree |
Billing-United |
billingunited |
BillLine |
billline |
billpro |
BilltoMobile |
billtomobile |
bips |
BitcoinPay |
bitcoinpay |
Bitcoinpaygate |
bitcoinpaygate |
BitMerch |
bitmerch |
Bitnet Technologies Ltd |
bitnet |
BitPay |
bitpay |
bluepaid |
BluePay |
bluepay |
BlueSnap |
bluesnap |
BNL POSitivity |
bnlpositivity |
BNP Paribas |
bnpparibas |
UOL BoaCompra |
boacompra |
boku |
Borgun |
borgun |
Braintree |
braintree |
Braspag |
braspag |
B+S Card Service |
bscardservices |
Buckaroo |
buckaroo |
Bucks Net Services |
bucksnet |
C |
Caledon Card Services |
caledoncardservices |
card complete |
cardcomplete |
CardConnect |
cardconnect |
CardGate |
cardgate |
CardGate |
cardgateplus |
CardinalCommerce |
cardinalcommerce |
Cardinity |
cardinity |
CardPay |
cardpay |
Cardsave |
cardsave |
Cardstream |
cardstreamlimited |
CashFlows |
cashflows |
Cashfree |
cashfree |
CashRun |
cashrun |
CashSender |
cashsender |
CatalunyaCaixa |
catalunyacaixa |
CCBill |
ccbill |
CCNow |
ccnow |
CCV Pay |
ccvpay |
Centus |
centus |
Certus Finance |
certusfinance |
CharityClear |
charityclear |
J.P. Morgan Commerce Solutions |
chasepaymentech |
CheckAlt Payment Solutions |
checkalt |
Amazon Payments |
checkoutbyamazon |
Checkout.com |
checkoutcom |
Check Process |
checkprocess |
China Payment Services |
chinapaymentservices |
ChronoPay |
chronopay |
Cielo |
cielo |
Circulo Payments |
circulopayments |
Citopay Online Merchant Services |
citopay |
Citrus Pay |
citruspay |
Clearhaus |
clearhaus |
cleverbridge |
cleverbridge |
CM Payments |
cmpayments |
CNG Pro |
cngpro |
Codapay |
codapay |
CoinGate |
coingate |
Coinify |
coinify |
CoinPayments |
coinpayments |
Coinsnap |
coinsnap |
Coinzone BV |
coinzone |
Comercia Global Payments |
comerciaglobalpayments |
Commercegate |
commercegate |
Computop |
computop |
ConCardis |
concardis |
Concord Bank |
concord |
Connectum |
connectum |
CorvusPay |
corvuspay |
Creditcall |
creditcall |
Credorax |
credorax |
Ctopay |
ctopay |
CURO payments |
curopayments |
CX Pay |
cxpay |
Cyberbit |
cyberbit |
CyberSource |
cybersource |
Cypix |
cypix |
D |
Dalberry |
dalberry |
DalPay |
dalpay |
DaoPay |
daopay |
MasterCard Payment Gateway Services |
datacash |
Datatrans |
datatrans |
DebitWay |
debitway |
Decta |
decta |
Dengi Online |
dengionline |
Deutsche Payment |
deutschepayment |
DialXS |
dialxs |
DIBS Payment Services |
dibspaymentservices |
Digital River World Payments |
digitalriverworldpayments |
DineroMail |
dineromail |
Dinpay |
dinpay |
DirecPay |
direcpay |
DirectPay Services BV |
directpay |
dixipay |
dLocal |
dlocal |
docdata payments |
docdatapayments |
doku |
Dotpay |
dotpay |
Dotpay |
dotpay |
Dragonpay |
dragonpay |
DusuPay |
dusupay |
E |
EasyBits.io |
easybits |
easypay |
easypay |
Easy Payment Gateway |
easypaymentgateway |
ebanx |
ebillingsolutions |
ecardon payments |
ecardon |
eCard |
ecardsa |
Ecobanq |
ecobanq |
eComCharge |
ecomcharge |
ECommPay |
ecommpay |
E-Comprocessing (ECP) |
ecomprocessing |
econtext |
econtext |
Ecopayz |
ecopayz |
Ecpss |
ecpss |
EFT Global |
eftglobal |
Elavon |
elavoneu |
eMatters |
ematters |
eMblaze One |
emblaze |
eMerchantPay Ltd |
emerchantpay |
Endeavour |
endeavour |
enets |
eNett International |
enett |
Enfins |
enfins |
Entercash |
entercash |
EOS Payment |
eospaymentsolutions |
ePay |
epay |
ePay.bg |
epaybg |
ePaymentsglobal.com |
epaymentsglobalcom |
Epoch |
epoch |
Escalion |
escalion |
Europabank |
europabank |
Euro Payment Group |
europayment |
Europay Solutions |
europaysolutions |
europeanmerchantservices |
EVO Payments International |
evopaymentsinternational |
eWAY |
eway |
Ewire |
ewire |
Exactly |
exactly |
E-xact Transactions |
exacttransactions |
expercash |
Ezic |
ezic |
F |
Faspay |
faspay |
Faturah |
faturah |
Fat Zebra |
fatzebra |
Fibonatix |
fibonatix |
Fidelity Payment Services |
fidelitypaymentservices |
FilsPay |
filspay |
Fireball PSP |
fireballpsp |
First Atlantic Commerce |
firstatlanticcommerce |
First Data Merchant Services |
firstdatamerchantsolutions |
First Global Billing |
firstglobalbilling |
FlashPay |
flashpay |
UNIVERSUM Group - FlexiPay® |
flexipay |
Flo2Cash |
flo2cash |
Flocash |
flocash |
fondy |
Forte Payment Systems |
fortepaymentsystems |
Fortumo |
fortumo |
Forward Bank |
forwardbank |
G |
g2apay |
**Gate2Payments ** |
gate2payments |
Gate2Play |
gate2play |
Genome |
genome |
GEO Pay |
geopaynet |
GestPay |
gestpay |
GHL Systems Berhad |
ghlsystemsberhad |
Ginger Payments |
gingerpayments |
GiroSolution |
girosolution |
GlobalCloudPay |
globalcloudpay |
GlobalCollect |
globalcollect |
GlobalMoney |
globalmoney |
GlobalPay LTD |
globalpayltd |
Global Payments |
globalpayments |
Globebill |
globebill |
GMO Payment Gateway |
gmopaymentgateway |
GoCardLess |
gocardless |
GoInterpay |
gointerpay |
GPay |
gpay |
gpndata |
GP webpay |
gpwebpay |
graypay |
Greta11 |
greta11 |
Groupe Credit Mutuel |
groupecreditmutuel |
H |
Hashconnect |
hashconnect |
Heidelpay |
heidelpay |
helloPay |
hellopay |
HiPay |
hipay |
HiPay Mobile |
hipaymobile |
HowPeoplePay.com |
howpeoplepay |
hyperWALLET |
hyperwallet |
I |
iATS Payments |
iatspayments |
iBox |
ibox |
icepay |
Ikajo |
ikajo |
IKoruna |
ikorunapaymentsystems |
ImGlobal Payments |
imglobalpayments |
Inatec Payment |
inatecpayment |
IndiaPay |
indiapay |
ING Bank Poland |
ingbankpl |
Ingenico ePayments |
ingenicopaymentservices |
Innovate Payments |
innovatepayments |
Inpendium |
inpendium |
Instabill |
instabill |
Integrapay |
integrapay |
Intelligent Payments |
intelligentpayments |
Interkassa |
interkassa |
International Payment Solutions (IPS) |
internationalpaymentsolutions |
iPay88 |
ipay88 |
iPayDNA |
ipaydna |
ipaymu |
IP Payments |
ippayments |
iyzico |
iyzipayments |
J |
Jambopay |
jambopay |
JetPay |
jetpay |
Judo Payments |
judopayments |
JunglePay |
junglepay |
K |
Kalixa Payments Group |
kalixa |
Kassa Compleet |
kassacompleet |
Kaznachey |
kaznachey |
KeyCollect |
keycollect |
KingPay |
kingpaypayments |
Kiwipay |
kiwipay |
Klarna |
klarna |
Klik & Pay |
klikpay |
Korta Pay |
kortapay |
Kuna |
kuna |
L |
Lateral Payment Solutions |
lateralpaymentsolutions |
Lemon Way |
lemonway |
LeoGaming |
leogaming |
LianlianPay |
lianlianpay |
Limonetik |
limonetik |
linked2pay |
linked2pay |
Linkpay |
linkpay |
LiqPay |
liqpay |
M |
Magnius |
magnius |
MangoPay |
mangopay |
Manual |
manual |
Masterpayment |
masterpayment |
Maxconnect |
maxconnectsingaporepteltd |
maxiPago! |
maxipago |
Maxpay |
maxpay |
Meikopay |
meikopay |
MerchantScout |
merchantscout |
Mercuryo |
mercuryo |
micropayment™ GmbH |
micropaymentgmbh |
MistralPay |
mistralpay2 |
Mobipaid |
mobipaid |
Mobivi |
mobivi |
Moip |
moip |
Mollie |
mollie |
MOLPay |
molpay |
Mondido |
mondido |
Moneta.RU |
monetaru |
MoneyMovers |
moneymovers |
mopay |
mopay |
Mozcom PayEasy |
mozcompayeasy |
mPay24 |
mpay24 |
MuchBetter |
muchbetter |
MultiCards Internet Billing |
multicards |
MultiSafepay |
multisafepay |
MyGate |
mygate |
N |
NationalACH |
nationalach |
Netbanx |
netbanx |
Netbilling |
netbilling |
Netelis Asia |
netelisasia |
Neteller |
neteller |
net mobile AG |
netmobileag |
NetPay |
netpay |
NetPay International |
netpayinternational2 |
Nets |
nets |
NextPay |
nextpay |
**Ngan Luong ** |
nganluong |
NihaoPay |
nihaopay |
Nochex |
nochexltd |
nordpay |
North Payments |
northpayments |
Novalnet AG |
novalnet |
NxSystems |
nxsystems |
O |
Odysseq |
odysseq |
Olpays |
olpays |
omba |
ombaug |
OmniPayment |
omnipayment |
OnePAY |
onepay |
Onestopmoneymanager Ltd |
onestopmoneymanager |
onpex |
Oonex |
oonex |
Oplata.com |
oplata |
Optile |
optile |
Paysafe |
optimalpayments |
Optomany |
optomany |
OrbitalPay |
orbitalpay |
Orbit Card Services |
orbitcardservices |
P |
Paddle |
paddle |
Pagantis |
pagantis |
PagBrasil |
pagbrasil |
Parallel Payments |
parallelpayments |
Parimatch |
parimatch |
PAY4 |
pay4 |
PayAnyWay.com |
payanyway |
**Payboutique ** |
payboutique |
Paybox |
paybox |
Paybox by Verifone |
payboxservices |
PayCheckout |
paycheckout |
PayCific |
paycific |
Paydoo |
paydoo |
PayEase |
payease |
Payeer |
payeer |
PayEx |
payex |
PayFast |
payfast |
PayFort |
payfort |
PayGarden |
paygarden |
PayGate |
paygate |
PayGate Co. Ltd. |
paygatecoltd |
PayGol |
paygol |
PayHub |
payhub |
payiban |
PayJunction |
payjunction |
PayLane |
paylane |
Payleap |
payleap |
Paylike |
paylike |
Payline |
payline |
Payline |
paylinecoza |
PayLink |
paylink |
Pay-logic |
paylogic |
Paymark |
paymark |
Paymaster |
paymaster |
Paymate |
paymate |
Payment21 |
payment21 |
Payment Asia |
paymentasia |
PaymentBillsService |
paymentbillsservice |
Payment Center |
paymentcenter |
Payment Express |
paymentexpress |
Paymentez |
paymentez |
PaymentGarage |
paymentgarage |
PayGateway |
paymentgateway |
Paymento SA |
paymento |
PaymentOne |
paymentone |
Payment Options |
paymentoptions |
Paymentus |
paymentus |
PaymentUSA |
paymentusa |
Paymentwall |
paymentwall |
paymentwall |
paymentwall |
Paymentwall |
paymentwall |
Paymentz |
paymentz |
paymill |
Paymundo |
paymundo |
PayNetSecure |
paynetsecure |
Pay.nl |
paynl |
Paynova |
paynova |
Payobin |
payobin |
Payofix |
payofix |
payone |
Payoneer |
payoneer |
PayOnline |
payonline |
Payoo |
payoo |
PayPal |
paypal |
PayPlug |
payplug |
PayPoint |
paypoint |
PayPro |
paypro |
PayPunto |
paypunto |
Payrexx Payments |
payrexx |
Paysafe |
paysafe |
Paysafecard |
paysafecard |
Payscout |
payscout |
PaySec |
paysec |
Paysera LT |
paysera |
PaySeven |
payseven |
PaySimple |
paysimple |
Paysite-cash |
paysitecash |
PaySoft Inc. |
paysoft |
PaySpace |
payspace |
PaySquare |
paysquare |
Payssion |
payssion |
PayStand |
paystand |
Paystation |
paystation |
Paysure |
paysure |
PayTabs |
paytabs |
paytpv |
Paytrail |
paytrail |
Paytrek |
paytrek |
Payture |
payture |
PayU |
payu |
payunity |
PayVector |
payvector |
Payvision |
payvision |
PayWiser |
paywiser |
PayWizard |
paywizard |
PayXpert |
payxpert |
Payza |
payza |
PayZang |
payzang |
PayZen |
payzen |
Payzoff |
payzoff |
Peach Payments |
peachpayments |
PencePay |
pencepay |
Perfect Money |
perfectmoney |
Piastrix |
piastrix |
Pin Payments |
pinpayments |
Pivotal Payments |
pivotalpayments |
Planet Payment |
planetpayment |
Platio |
platio |
Platon |
platon |
Platron |
platron |
Portmone.com |
portmone |
PostFinance |
postfinance |
powerpay21 |
powerpay21 |
PPRO Financial Ltd |
ppro |
Praxispay |
praxispay |
PrimeiroPay |
primeiropay |
Procard |
procard |
Processing.com |
processingcom |
Processing Partners |
processingpartners |
ProPay |
propay |
Prosum |
prosum |
PSiGate |
psigate |
purebilling.com |
purebilling |
Q |
Qantani |
qantani |
Qiwi |
qiwi |
QuickPay |
quickpay |
R |
Rabo OmniKassa |
raboomnikassa |
Rapyd.net |
rapyd |
RatePAY |
ratepay |
Razorpay |
razorpay |
RBK Money |
rbkmoney |
Realex Payments |
realexpayments |
Red Dot Payment |
reddotpayment |
Redecard |
redecard |
ReePay |
reepay |
RegularPay |
regularpay |
Rietumu Banka |
rietumu |
Robokassa |
robokassa |
RocketGate |
rocketgate |
S |
**SafeCharge ** |
safecharge |
Sage Pay |
sagepay3 |
SatchelPay |
satchelpay |
State Bank of Mauritius |
sbm |
Scanpay |
scanpay |
secupay |
secupay |
SecurCharge |
securcharge |
SecureNet LLC |
securenetllc |
SecurePay |
securepay |
SecurePay.com |
securepaycom |
SecurePayTech.com |
securepaytechcom |
Secure Trading |
securetrading |
Secure Trading Financial Services |
securetradingfinacialservices |
SecurionPay |
securionpay |
SegPay |
segpay |
Selcom |
selcom |
SentryPayments |
sentrypayments |
Setcom Payment Solutions |
setcompaymentsolutions |
SID Instant EFT |
sidpayment |
SimplePay |
simplepay |
Simplify Commerce |
simplifycommerce |
Siru Mobile |
sirumobile |
Sisow |
sisow |
SIX Payment Services |
sixpaymentservices |
Skipjack |
skipjackpaymentsolutions |
Skrill |
skrill |
Skypay |
skypay |
SlimPay |
slimpay |
Smart2Pay |
smart2pay |
SmartDebit |
smartdebit |
Smile Payments |
smilepayments |
SoEasyPay |
soeasypay |
Specialized Processing Solutions |
specializedprocessingsolutions |
Spryng Payments |
spryng |
Start2Pay |
start2pay |
StreamPay |
streampay |
Stripe |
stripe |
STS PayOne |
stspayone |
Swipe Checkout |
swipehq |
Swish Payments Ltd |
swishme |
SwissPay24 |
swisspay24 |
Swiss Secure Payment™ |
swisssecurepayment |
T |
Targetpay.com |
targetpay |
TAS Link |
taslink |
tefpay |
tefpay |
TeleCash |
telecash |
Test |
test |
Text2Pay |
text2pay |
TheECheck.com |
theecheckcom |
The Logic Group |
thelogicgroup |
TKB Pay |
tkbpay |
TNSPay |
tnspay |
Total Web Solutions |
totalwebsolutions |
tpay.com |
tpaycom |
Transact Europe |
transact |
Transact24 |
transact24 |
Transact Pro |
transactpro |
Transecute |
transecute |
Tranzzo |
tranzzo |
Traxpay |
traxpay |
Truevo Payments |
truevo |
TrustCommerce |
trustcommerce |
TrustPay |
trustpay |
trustpayglobal |
Twelve.live |
twelvelive |
txtNation |
txtnation |
U |
UApay |
uapay |
UGSPay |
ugspaycom |
Uniteller |
uniteller |
UniversePay |
universepay |
Upclick |
upclick |
USAePay |
usaepay |
V |
Valitor |
valitor |
VallettaPay |
vallettapay |
Vantage Payments |
vantagepayments |
Vantiv |
vantiv |
VeriTrans Inc. |
veritransinc |
Veritrans Indonesia |
veritransindonesia |
Verotel |
verotel |
VikingPay |
vikingpay |
Virtual Access |
virtualxs |
viveum |
VoguePay |
voguepay |
Voltage Pay |
voltagepay |
VTC Pay |
vtcpay |
W |
Wallet One |
walletone |
WalPay |
walpay |
Wayforpay |
wayforpay |
Webbilling.com |
webbilling |
webinc |
WebMoney |
webmoney |
Websecpay |
websecpay |
Webteh |
webteh |
weDeal |
wedeal |
WePay |
wepay |
WinPay |
winpay |
WinPay |
winpayru |
Wire2Pay |
wire2pay |
Wirecapital |
wirecapital |
Wirecard |
wirecard |
Wlandpay |
wlandpay |
Worldpay |
worldpay |
X |
Xpate |
xpate |
xpayua |
XpressPay.io |
xpresspayio |
Xsolla |
xsolla |
Y |
Yandex.Checkout |
yandexcheckout |
Yandex.Money |
yandexmoney |
Yapital |
yapital |
YapStone |
yapstone |
YeePay |
yeepay |
YourPay |
yourpay |
Ypsilon Payment Solutions |
ypsilonpaymentsolutions |
**YuuPay ** |
yuupay |
Z |
Zaakpay |
zaakpay |
Zaypay |
zaypay |
zchex |
Zombaio |
zombaio |
Zong |
zong |
ZooPay |
zoopay |
Zooz, Inc |
zooz |
Zotapay |
zotapay |