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Payment Providers

Logo Name Code
123send 123Send 123send
123x 123x 123x
1pay 1Pay 1pay
2000charge 2000charge
2c2p 2C2P 2c2p
2checkoutcom 2Checkout 2checkoutcom
3gdirectpay 3G Direct Pay 3gdirectpay
4bill 4bill 4bill
4cash 4Cash 4cash
99bill 99bill
abilipay abilipay abilipay
acapture Acapture acapture
accentpay Accentpay accentpay
acceptance Acceptance acceptance
adgroup ADgroup adgroup
admerispaymentsystems Admeris Payment Systems admerispaymentsystems
aduno Aduno aduno
advcash AdvCash advcash
adyen Adyen adyen
africanpaymentsolutions African Payment Solutions africanpaymentsolutions
aibmerchantservices AIB Merchant Services aibmerchantservices
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algocharge ALGOCHARGE algocharge
allchargecom allchargecom
alliedwallet2 Allied Wallet alliedwallet2
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alphapaymentscloud Alpha Payments Cloud alphapaymentscloud
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altoglobalprocessing Alto Global Processing altoglobalprocessing
americanvolume GlobiPay americanvolume
anycash AnyCash anycash
anymoney Any.Money anymoney
apco APCO apco
aramorpayments Aramor Payments aramorpayments
aretosystems Areto Systems aretosystems
arvatofinance arvato Finance Services Ltd. arvatofinance
asiapay AsiaPay asiapay
assist ASSIST assist
astropay AstroPay astropay
atosworldline Worldline atosworldline
australpay AustralPay australpay
authorizenet Authorize.Net authorizenet
avangate Avangate Inc. avangate
avenuesindiaprivatelimited CCAvenue avenuesindiaprivatelimited
awepay AWEpay awepay
axcessmerchantservices Axcess Merchant Services axcessmerchantservices
axiarpaymentsolutionslimited Axiar Payments axiarpaymentsolutionslimited
baianltd Baian Ltd. baianltd
balticpay BalticPay Corporation balticpay
bambora Bambora bambora
bango Bango bango
bankfrick Bank Frick bankfrick
banwire banwire
barclaycard Barclaycard barclaycard
barion Barion Payments barion
be2bill Be2bill be2bill
beanstream Beanstream beanstream
billingpartner BillingPartner billingpartner
billingtree BillingTree billingtree
billingunited Billing-United billingunited
billline BillLine billline
billpro billpro
billtomobile BilltoMobile billtomobile
bips BIPS bips
bitcoinpay BitcoinPay bitcoinpay
bitcoinpaygate Bitcoinpaygate bitcoinpaygate
bitmerch BitMerch bitmerch
bitnet Bitnet Technologies Ltd bitnet
bitpay BitPay bitpay
bluepaid BLUE PAID bluepaid
bluepay BluePay bluepay
bluesnap BlueSnap bluesnap
bnlpositivity BNL POSitivity bnlpositivity
bnpparibas BNP Paribas bnpparibas
boacompra UOL BoaCompra boacompra
boku BOKU boku
borgun Borgun borgun
braintree Braintree braintree
braspag Braspag braspag
bscardservices B+S Card Service bscardservices
buckaroo Buckaroo buckaroo
bucksnet Bucks Net Services bucksnet
caledoncardservices Caledon Card Services caledoncardservices
cardcomplete card complete cardcomplete
cardconnect CardConnect cardconnect
cardgate CardGate cardgate
cardgateplus CardGate cardgateplus
cardinalcommerce CardinalCommerce cardinalcommerce
cardinity Cardinity cardinity
cardpay CardPay cardpay
cardsave Cardsave cardsave
cardstreamlimited Cardstream cardstreamlimited
cashflows CashFlows cashflows
cashfree Cashfree cashfree
cashrun CashRun cashrun
cashsender CashSender cashsender
catalunyacaixa CatalunyaCaixa catalunyacaixa
ccbill CCBill ccbill
ccnow CCNow ccnow
ccvpay CCV Pay ccvpay
centus Centus centus
certusfinance Certus Finance certusfinance
charityclear CharityClear charityclear
chasepaymentech J.P. Morgan Commerce Solutions chasepaymentech
checkalt CheckAlt Payment Solutions checkalt
checkoutbyamazon Amazon Payments checkoutbyamazon
checkoutcom checkoutcom
checkprocess Check Process checkprocess
chinapaymentservices China Payment Services chinapaymentservices
chronopay ChronoPay chronopay
cielo Cielo cielo
circulopayments Circulo Payments circulopayments
citopay Citopay Online Merchant Services citopay
citruspay Citrus Pay citruspay
clearhaus Clearhaus clearhaus
cleverbridge cleverbridge cleverbridge
cmpayments CM Payments cmpayments
cngpro CNG Pro cngpro
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coingate CoinGate coingate
coinify Coinify coinify
coinpayments CoinPayments coinpayments
coinsnap Coinsnap coinsnap
coinzone Coinzone BV coinzone
comerciaglobalpayments Comercia Global Payments comerciaglobalpayments
commercegate Commercegate commercegate
computop Computop computop
concardis ConCardis concardis
concord Concord Bank concord
connectum Connectum connectum
corvuspay CorvusPay corvuspay
creditcall Creditcall creditcall
credorax Credorax credorax
ctopay Ctopay ctopay
curopayments CURO payments curopayments
cxpay CX Pay cxpay
cyberbit Cyberbit cyberbit
cybersource CyberSource cybersource
cypix Cypix cypix
dalberry Dalberry dalberry
dalpay DalPay dalpay
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datacash MasterCard Payment Gateway Services datacash
datatrans Datatrans datatrans
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dialxs DialXS dialxs
dibspaymentservices DIBS Payment Services dibspaymentservices
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dinpay Dinpay dinpay
direcpay DirecPay direcpay
directpay DirectPay Services BV directpay
dixipay DIXIPAY dixipay
dlocal dLocal dlocal
docdatapayments docdata payments docdatapayments
doku DOKU doku
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dotpay Dotpay dotpay
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dusupay DusuPay dusupay
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ecardon ecardon payments ecardon
ecardsa eCard ecardsa
ecobanq Ecobanq ecobanq
ecomcharge eComCharge ecomcharge
ecommpay ECommPay ecommpay
ecomprocessing E-Comprocessing (ECP) ecomprocessing
econtext econtext econtext
ecopayz Ecopayz ecopayz
ecpss Ecpss ecpss
eftglobal EFT Global eftglobal
elavoneu Elavon elavoneu
ematters eMatters ematters
emblaze eMblaze One emblaze
emerchantpay eMerchantPay Ltd emerchantpay
endeavour Endeavour endeavour
enets eNETS enets
enett eNett International enett
enfins Enfins enfins
entercash Entercash entercash
eospaymentsolutions EOS Payment eospaymentsolutions
epay ePay epay
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epoch Epoch epoch
escalion Escalion escalion
europabank Europabank europabank
europayment Euro Payment Group europayment
europaysolutions Europay Solutions europaysolutions
europeanmerchantservices EMS europeanmerchantservices
evopaymentsinternational EVO Payments International evopaymentsinternational
eway eWAY eway
ewire Ewire ewire
exactly Exactly exactly
exacttransactions E-xact Transactions exacttransactions
expercash EXPERCASH expercash
ezic Ezic ezic
faspay Faspay faspay
faturah Faturah faturah
fatzebra Fat Zebra fatzebra
fibonatix Fibonatix fibonatix
fidelitypaymentservices Fidelity Payment Services fidelitypaymentservices
filspay FilsPay filspay
fireballpsp Fireball PSP fireballpsp
firstatlanticcommerce First Atlantic Commerce firstatlanticcommerce
firstdatamerchantsolutions First Data Merchant Services firstdatamerchantsolutions
firstglobalbilling First Global Billing firstglobalbilling
flashpay FlashPay flashpay
flexipay UNIVERSUM Group - FlexiPay® flexipay
flo2cash Flo2Cash flo2cash
flocash Flocash flocash
fondy FONDY fondy
fortepaymentsystems Forte Payment Systems fortepaymentsystems
fortumo Fortumo fortumo
forwardbank Forward Bank forwardbank
g2apay G2A PAY g2apay
gate2payments **Gate2Payments ** gate2payments
gate2play Gate2Play gate2play
genome Genome genome
geopaynet GEO Pay geopaynet
gestpay GestPay gestpay
ghlsystemsberhad GHL Systems Berhad ghlsystemsberhad
gingerpayments Ginger Payments gingerpayments
girosolution GiroSolution girosolution
globalcloudpay GlobalCloudPay globalcloudpay
globalcollect GlobalCollect globalcollect
globalmoney GlobalMoney globalmoney
globalpayltd GlobalPay LTD globalpayltd
globalpayments Global Payments globalpayments
globebill Globebill globebill
gmopaymentgateway GMO Payment Gateway gmopaymentgateway
gocardless GoCardLess gocardless
gointerpay GoInterpay gointerpay
gpay GPay gpay
gpndata GPN DATA gpndata
gpwebpay GP webpay gpwebpay
graypay GRAYPAY graypay
greta11 Greta11 greta11
groupecreditmutuel Groupe Credit Mutuel groupecreditmutuel
hashconnect Hashconnect hashconnect
heidelpay Heidelpay heidelpay
hellopay helloPay hellopay
hipay HiPay hipay
hipaymobile HiPay Mobile hipaymobile
howpeoplepay howpeoplepay
hyperwallet hyperWALLET hyperwallet
iatspayments iATS Payments iatspayments
ibox iBox ibox
icepay ICEPAY icepay
ikajo Ikajo ikajo
ikorunapaymentsystems IKoruna ikorunapaymentsystems
imglobalpayments ImGlobal Payments imglobalpayments
inatecpayment Inatec Payment inatecpayment
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ingbankpl ING Bank Poland ingbankpl
ingenicopaymentservices Ingenico ePayments ingenicopaymentservices
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inpendium Inpendium inpendium
instabill Instabill instabill
integrapay Integrapay integrapay
intelligentpayments Intelligent Payments intelligentpayments
interkassa Interkassa interkassa
internationalpaymentsolutions International Payment Solutions (IPS) internationalpaymentsolutions
ipay88 iPay88 ipay88
ipaydna iPayDNA ipaydna
ipaymu IPAYMU ipaymu
ippayments IP Payments ippayments
iyzipayments iyzico iyzipayments
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junglepay JunglePay junglepay
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kingpaypayments KingPay kingpaypayments
kiwipay Kiwipay kiwipay
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klikpay Klik & Pay klikpay
kortapay Korta Pay kortapay
kuna Kuna kuna
lateralpaymentsolutions Lateral Payment Solutions lateralpaymentsolutions
lemonway Lemon Way lemonway
leogaming LeoGaming leogaming
lianlianpay LianlianPay lianlianpay
limonetik Limonetik limonetik
linked2pay linked2pay linked2pay
linkpay Linkpay linkpay
liqpay LiqPay liqpay
magnius Magnius magnius
mangopay MangoPay mangopay
manual Manual manual
masterpayment Masterpayment masterpayment
maxconnectsingaporepteltd Maxconnect maxconnectsingaporepteltd
maxipago maxiPago! maxipago
maxpay Maxpay maxpay
meikopay Meikopay meikopay
merchantscout MerchantScout merchantscout
mercuryo Mercuryo mercuryo
micropaymentgmbh micropayment™ GmbH micropaymentgmbh
mistralpay2 MistralPay mistralpay2
mobipaid Mobipaid mobipaid
mobivi Mobivi mobivi
moip Moip moip
mollie Mollie mollie
molpay MOLPay molpay
mondido Mondido mondido
monetaru Moneta.RU monetaru
moneymovers MoneyMovers moneymovers
mopay mopay mopay
mozcompayeasy Mozcom PayEasy mozcompayeasy
mpay24 mPay24 mpay24
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mygate MyGate mygate
nationalach NationalACH nationalach
netbanx Netbanx netbanx
netbilling Netbilling netbilling
netelisasia Netelis Asia netelisasia
neteller Neteller neteller
netmobileag net mobile AG netmobileag
netpay NetPay netpay
netpayinternational2 NetPay International netpayinternational2
nets Nets nets
nextpay NextPay nextpay
nganluong **Ngan Luong ** nganluong
nihaopay NihaoPay nihaopay
nochexltd Nochex nochexltd
nordpay NORDPAY nordpay
northpayments North Payments northpayments
novalnet Novalnet AG novalnet
nxsystems NxSystems nxsystems
odysseq Odysseq odysseq
olpays Olpays olpays
ombaug omba ombaug
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oonex Oonex oonex
oplata oplata
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optimalpayments Paysafe optimalpayments
optomany Optomany optomany
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orbitcardservices Orbit Card Services orbitcardservices
paddle Paddle paddle
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pagbrasil PagBrasil pagbrasil
parallelpayments Parallel Payments parallelpayments
parimatch Parimatch parimatch
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payboxservices Paybox by Verifone payboxservices
paycheckout PayCheckout paycheckout
paycific PayCific paycific
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payfort PayFort payfort
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paygate PayGate paygate
paygatecoltd PayGate Co. Ltd. paygatecoltd
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paylogic Pay-logic paylogic
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paymate Paymate paymate
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paymentasia Payment Asia paymentasia
paymentbillsservice PaymentBillsService paymentbillsservice
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paypro PayPro paypro
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payrexx Payrexx Payments payrexx
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paysera Paysera LT paysera
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paysitecash Paysite-cash paysitecash
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paystand PayStand paystand
paystation Paystation paystation
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paytpv PAYTPV paytpv
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paytrek Paytrek paytrek
payture Payture payture
payu PayU payu
payunity PAYUNITY payunity
payvector PayVector payvector
payvision Payvision payvision
paywiser PayWiser paywiser
paywizard PayWizard paywizard
payxpert PayXpert payxpert
payza Payza payza
payzang PayZang payzang
payzen PayZen payzen
payzoff Payzoff payzoff
peachpayments Peach Payments peachpayments
pencepay PencePay pencepay
perfectmoney Perfect Money perfectmoney
piastrix Piastrix piastrix
pinpayments Pin Payments pinpayments
pivotalpayments Pivotal Payments pivotalpayments
planetpayment Planet Payment planetpayment
platio Platio platio
platon Platon platon
platron Platron platron
portmone portmone
postfinance PostFinance postfinance
powerpay21 powerpay21 powerpay21
ppro PPRO Financial Ltd ppro
praxispay Praxispay praxispay
primeiropay PrimeiroPay primeiropay
procard Procard procard
processingcom processingcom
processingpartners Processing Partners processingpartners
propay ProPay propay
prosum Prosum prosum
psigate PSiGate psigate
purebilling purebilling
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qiwi Qiwi qiwi
quickpay QuickPay quickpay
raboomnikassa Rabo OmniKassa raboomnikassa
rapyd rapyd
ratepay RatePAY ratepay
razorpay Razorpay razorpay
rbkmoney RBK Money rbkmoney
realexpayments Realex Payments realexpayments
reddotpayment Red Dot Payment reddotpayment
redecard Redecard redecard
reepay ReePay reepay
regularpay RegularPay regularpay
rietumu Rietumu Banka rietumu
robokassa Robokassa robokassa
rocketgate RocketGate rocketgate
safecharge **SafeCharge ** safecharge
sagepay3 Sage Pay sagepay3
satchelpay SatchelPay satchelpay
sbm State Bank of Mauritius sbm
scanpay Scanpay scanpay
secupay secupay secupay
securcharge SecurCharge securcharge
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securepay SecurePay securepay
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securetrading Secure Trading securetrading
securetradingfinacialservices Secure Trading Financial Services securetradingfinacialservices
securionpay SecurionPay securionpay
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setcompaymentsolutions Setcom Payment Solutions setcompaymentsolutions
sidpayment SID Instant EFT sidpayment
simplepay SimplePay simplepay
simplifycommerce Simplify Commerce simplifycommerce
sirumobile Siru Mobile sirumobile
sisow Sisow sisow
sixpaymentservices SIX Payment Services sixpaymentservices
skipjackpaymentsolutions Skipjack skipjackpaymentsolutions
skrill Skrill skrill
skypay Skypay skypay
slimpay SlimPay slimpay
smart2pay Smart2Pay smart2pay
smartdebit SmartDebit smartdebit
smilepayments Smile Payments smilepayments
soeasypay SoEasyPay soeasypay
specializedprocessingsolutions Specialized Processing Solutions specializedprocessingsolutions
spryng Spryng Payments spryng
start2pay Start2Pay start2pay
streampay StreamPay streampay
stripe Stripe stripe
stspayone STS PayOne stspayone
swipehq Swipe Checkout swipehq
swishme Swish Payments Ltd swishme
swisspay24 SwissPay24 swisspay24
swisssecurepayment Swiss Secure Payment™ swisssecurepayment
targetpay targetpay
taslink TAS Link taslink
tefpay tefpay tefpay
telecash TeleCash telecash
test Test test
text2pay Text2Pay text2pay
theecheckcom theecheckcom
thelogicgroup The Logic Group thelogicgroup
tkbpay TKB Pay tkbpay
tnspay TNSPay tnspay
totalwebsolutions Total Web Solutions totalwebsolutions
tpaycom tpaycom
transact Transact Europe transact
transact24 Transact24 transact24
transactpro Transact Pro transactpro
transecute Transecute transecute
tranzzo Tranzzo tranzzo
traxpay Traxpay traxpay
truevo Truevo Payments truevo
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trustpay TrustPay trustpay
trustpayglobal ILIXIUM trustpayglobal
twelvelive twelvelive
txtnation txtNation txtnation
uapay UApay uapay
ugspaycom UGSPay ugspaycom
uniteller Uniteller uniteller
universepay UniversePay universepay
upclick Upclick upclick
usaepay USAePay usaepay
valitor Valitor valitor
vallettapay VallettaPay vallettapay
vantagepayments Vantage Payments vantagepayments
vantiv Vantiv vantiv
veritransinc VeriTrans Inc. veritransinc
veritransindonesia Veritrans Indonesia veritransindonesia
verotel Verotel verotel
vikingpay VikingPay vikingpay
virtualxs Virtual Access virtualxs
viveum VIVEUM viveum
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voltagepay Voltage Pay voltagepay
vtcpay VTC Pay vtcpay
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webmoney WebMoney webmoney
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wepay WePay wepay
winpay WinPay winpay
winpayru WinPay winpayru
wire2pay Wire2Pay wire2pay
wirecapital Wirecapital wirecapital
wirecard Wirecard wirecard
wlandpay Wlandpay wlandpay
worldpay Worldpay worldpay
xpate Xpate xpate
xpayua XPAY xpayua
xpresspayio xpresspayio
xsolla Xsolla xsolla
yandexcheckout Yandex.Checkout yandexcheckout
yandexmoney Yandex.Money yandexmoney
yapital Yapital yapital
yapstone YapStone yapstone
yeepay YeePay yeepay
yourpay YourPay yourpay
ypsilonpaymentsolutions Ypsilon Payment Solutions ypsilonpaymentsolutions
yuupay **YuuPay ** yuupay
zaakpay Zaakpay zaakpay
zaypay Zaypay zaypay
zchex ZCHEX zchex
zombaio Zombaio zombaio
zong Zong zong
zoopay ZooPay zoopay
zooz Zooz, Inc zooz
zotapay Zotapay zotapay